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510 North Castle Heights Avenue Lebanon, TN 37087

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Church Blog

God Has Something to Say to You

What if I were to tell you that God has something to say to you? On Sunday morning, our plan is to study the call of Abram (Genesis 12:1-9). God continues to call us today. His call is not miraculous. He is not whispering audibly in our ears. His voice is not booming audibly from the heavens. Scripture teaches us that God calls us through the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14). Every time that the Gospel is preached, God is calling…

Additional Thoughts from Genesis 3:1-24

If the Lord wills, we will study Genesis 3:1-24 on Sunday morning, which tells us the story of the fall of man. Satan, through a serpent, tempted Eve to eat of the tree that God commanded them not to eat from. Adam and Eve both ate of the fruit and brought severe spiritual consequences on themselves and humanity. As I studied through this story, there were a handful of principles that I discovered in the text that are helpful, insightful,…

Three Evidences of the Existence of God

On Sunday morning, if the Lord wills, our plan is to study the creation account of Genesis 1 to see what we can learn about who God is. There are many in our increasingly secular world who deny not only the historicity of the six days of creation but also the existence of a Creator. As Christians, we need to be prepared to have conversations with those who do not believe in God’s existence. We need to make sure that…

Should We Believe Paul or James?

On Sunday morning, our plan is to study James 2:14-26, which discusses the relationship between faith and works. Some suggest that what James says in that section of Scripture contradicts what the apostle Paul says elsewhere in the New Testament. For example, Martin Luther, who was a major part of the Reformation Movement in the 16th century, described the book of James as a “right strawy epistle” and claimed that “it contains not a syllable about Christ” because of this…