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510 North Castle Heights Avenue Lebanon, TN 37087

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Church Blog

Three Evidences of the Existence of God

On Sunday morning, if the Lord wills, our plan is to study the creation account of Genesis 1 to see what we can learn about who God is. There are many in our increasingly secular world who deny not only the historicity of the six days of creation but also the existence of a Creator. As Christians, we need to be prepared to have conversations with those who do not believe in God’s existence. We need to make sure that…

Should We Believe Paul or James?

On Sunday morning, our plan is to study James 2:14-26, which discusses the relationship between faith and works. Some suggest that what James says in that section of Scripture contradicts what the apostle Paul says elsewhere in the New Testament. For example, Martin Luther, who was a major part of the Reformation Movement in the 16th century, described the book of James as a “right strawy epistle” and claimed that “it contains not a syllable about Christ” because of this…

The Seven “I Am” Statements

As Christians, we want to know Christ. We want to love, appreciate, trust, and follow Jesus for who He is, as revealed in the Scriptures. On Sunday morning, our plan is to discuss nine titles of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. As we look forward to that study, let’s consider in this article what is oftentimes referred to as the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John. Seven different times in John, Jesus uses the words “I am”…

Knowing the Love that Surpasses Knowledge

There are some things in life that are really difficult to describe. How long is eternity? What is the definition of the word “the”? What does water taste like? Those are difficult questions to answer! In Ephesians 3:19, Paul prays for his readers “to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” Our God loves us so much that it is beyond our comprehension. The smartest, most intelligent person on the planet will never be able to understand the love…