Posts from July 2024

Posts from July 2024

Who is Jesus? (#1)

Over the next few weeks, I would like us to consider a question of the greatest importance. It is a question that determines who we are, what we do, and where we will spend an eternity. Who is Jesus? What does the Bible teach us about the identity of Jesus? As we think about this question together, we are going to examine several different passages over the next several weeks. Today, we are going to begin by thinking about what…

The Fruit of the Spirit Is… What’s Holding Us Back?

As I was researching in preparation for this article, I came across an article from USA Today entitled “Weirdest Laws Passed in Every State.” In previous generations in the United States, many laws have been passed that are truly odd in today’s world. In Tennessee, a person cannot hold a public office if he/she has been involved in a duel. In Virginia, a person cannot hunt on Sunday, unless it’s for raccoons. In Vermont, forbidding people to put up clotheslines…

The Fruit of the Spirit Is… Gentleness

Just as trees produce certain fruits, Christians must produce certain qualities and characteristics on a daily basis. These qualities and characteristics are listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and are identified as “the fruit of the Spirit.” Part of the fruit we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to produce is gentleness. Oftentimes, we struggle with gentleness. That could be because we believe that gentle people constantly get run over in life or because we want to mask rudeness as “simply being…