Article (Page 3)
Spiritual Eye Glasses
About the time I was in the fourth grade, I noticed that my vision was not as it should be. I couldn’t see the white board at the front of the classroom very clearly, and it was becoming more difficult to dodge the dodge ball in P.E. class. When I put on my first pair of glasses, the difference between what I saw before and my new perception was astounding. I could see the teacher’s handwriting from the back of…
The Open Door of Opportunity
Rev. 3:8b … “Behold, have put before you an open door, which no one can shut.” This statement of the Lord to the church in the city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor is perhaps the origin of the expression, “an open door of opportunity.” Observing that the Christians who composed this congregation possessed “a little power,” the Lord extended to them the opportunity to use it, though the text does not specify its nature. It suggests, however, that at least…
Love is Patient
“This world would be such a better place if it lacked those people.” This is the way I’m tempted to feel when I’m interrupted, when I sense that another person loves themselves just a little too much, when one’s personality clashes with my own, or when someone’s mistake inconveniences me in some way. When my patience is tested by the unpleasantness of those around me, it irks me, and makes me want to just avoid them. However, during these times,…